Our mission is serving you through our vision provided by Christ. Our emphasis is service, celebration, life and people. Tapestry has 3 basic components: 1) Churches. 2) Our Hub / center, and 3) Our City First Foundation that resources urban churches in Chicago and beyond. Tapestry Center Fellowship: We are a Christ-centered, Biblically based, Celebration of Life and Community. Tapestry is open to all people, all ages, ethnicities, and faith backgrounds. You are welcome!
The Hub facilitates ministry and service to Chicagoland and the Irving Park / Independence park Community. We exist to grow Christ's Kingdom by love of God and His Community. We Gather on Sunday 10:30am- 12:30 for Fellowship, Prayer, Communion and Worship. Open to meet throughout the week, growing in Christ through Discipleship wherever and whenever we connect with people in our community, homes, at work or at play. Come and Join us!
Our faith in Jesus Christ naturally provides great kinship, but we also lovingly serve our neighbors through our Civics: GIPNA, West Walker, TRIP, etc, our Parks, our 17th District and Chicago Police, and the North River Commission. All Churches that put Jesus as Lord make up our loving Community of Faith - God's love and unity we show. City First - 773-588-2489 (CITY) or email: city1stfoundation@gmail.com We are part of The Initiative Community check it out. theinitiative.org
DONATIONS: to Tapestry Fellowship, Center or City First:
Please send in Zell to : tapestryfellowship@gmail.com
© 2024 Tapestry Fellowship - City First
All rights reserved
In Christ's love we abide